The animated EBP maps available in the BirdLife Data Zone

We are happy to annouce that the animated EBP maps are already available in the BirdLife Data Zone, one of the biggest and most accessible sources of information about birds. The BirdLife Data Zone offers a large array of information on  more than 10.000 bird species which focusses, particularly, on conservation and distributional aspects. 

Now, the section "reference and further resources" of each of the accounts of the 105 EBP target species includes an embeded EBP map depicting their year-round overall patterns of distribution over Europe.  The aim is to cover further species as soon as more of them are made available in the EBP viewer in the future.

This task has been conducted in the framework of LIFE EBP Action B2, which is devoted to promote synergies between the EBP and other signficant projects.  In this case, the objective was to promote collaboration with BirdLife Data Zone in order to further enrich the content provided by this initiative and to bought to a broader audience valuable information collected by the online bird portals. 

The EBP Fieldfare animated map embeded in the species BirdLife data Zone section 

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