The EBP viewer maps may be showing some important gaps meanwhile the ongoing re-connectivity has not been completed

We are currently re-connecting all portals to the EBP dataflow in order to add the information of all the species recorded in Europe and properly identify and characterize the data collected using specific or more standardized protocols. A process that will last until the very end of the year.

Often, for the portals to be re-connected, we have to stop temporally the ongoing data flow and re-upload the data up to 2010 and during this process the data may not be depicted in the maps totally or in part.

This is why, meanwhile the ongoing re-connectivity has not been completed, the EBP viewer maps may be showing some important gaps in some parts of Europe. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Note also that, despite we expect to have all new species data by the start of 2025, the EBP viewer will not be showing data of these species until spring 2026, once the new version of the EBP viewer is launched. In the meantime we will continue to show the data of the 137 species alreadyavailable in the viewer

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