EURING and EBP have signed an agreement of collaboration

Today, in the framework of BirdNumbers2019, EURING and EBP have signed an agreement to promote co-operation in areas of common interest.

EURING co-ordinates bird ringing throughout Europe in order to study bird migration, movements and population dynamics at a European scale. Ringing and recovery data for birds ringed throughout Europe are collated in the EURING databank to support such research.

Through this agreement EURING and EBP agree to co-operate in order to study the migrations and movements of European Bird populations. This will be done primarily by seeking opportunities to undertake collaborative research, either through bilateral collaboration or through bilateral collaboration that also involves other parties.

EBP and EURING have already undertaken some exploratory work to examine how EBP data on year-round occurrence and EURING data on migratory movements can be combined to explore the migration routes of different populations and an account of this work has been published on the EBP website .

From left to right, Rob Robinson, EURING vice-chairman, Ruud Foppen, EBCC chairman, Gabriel Gargallo, EBP Steering Committee chairman, and Stephen Baillie, chairman of the EURING Migration Atlas Committee.

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