Work in progress
Due to the ongoing changes in the EBP data flow the viewer maps may be showing some big gaps at least until the end of the year (see here for more details).
Time mode
LIVE maps show data from the last or the previous last 52 weeks.
Despite most EBP data (99%) is updated daily, some online portals still submit their data at longer intervals and, therefore, the areas covered by these portals can appear blank in the most recent weeks (see below which the most recent data available is from each online portal and the usual update frequency of each country or region).
Note that the most recent week depicted in these maps, usually the current one (data is updated up to the previous day), may not have finished yet and, thus, special attention must be paid when interpreting distributional patterns of such incomplete weeks (the number of days included is indicated at the bottom-right of the viewer).
Note also that, despite the different data validation protocols put in place, LIVE maps show so recent data that some erroneous records or counts may not have been detected yet. Once corrected, the system automatically deals with these errors in subsequent data updates. However, the possibility that some erroneous observations could remain unnoticed cannot be completely discarded (see data accuracy and interpretation for more details).
Online portal | Most recent data available |
BirdTrack | Yesterday |
Artportalen | Yesterday |
Artsobservasjoner | Yesterday |
DOFbasen | Yesterday |
MaltaBirdSightings | Yesterday |
OpenBirdMaps | Yesterday |
OrnitoData | Yesterday |
PlutoF | Yesterday |
Trektellen | Yesterday |
eBird | Yesterday | | 2 days ago |
Online portal | Most recent data available |
Aves-Symfony | 3 days ago |
Dabas Dati | 5 days ago |
Ornitho | 6 days ago |
Tiira | 6 days ago |
SmartBirds | 7 days ago | | 8 days ago |
MAP | 436 days ago |
Birds Russia | 481 days ago |
Slovenia | 518 days ago |
Fenologija | 1309 days ago |
Time mode